Friday, October 25, 2013

Home is where heart is!!

Not at the shore watching the waves & the blue,
Not at the woods listening to the birds' chirps,
Not by the riverside watching the steady flow,
Not at the terrace figuring the cloud patterns,
But, here at home I get peace,
Experiencing the silence of the Afternoon !!

Maple leaf

 I lost my color with the chlorophyll break down,
I have gone pale, still fighting for my life,
I know I cannot win this fight and will wither soon,
But, the climate will change again,
I will rebuild myself and regain my texture,
I have hope and I believe in myself!!

Calm through Art

Naan(I) When I studied 11th, amma asked me if I wanted to study architecture. I drew a straight line and she said, “Ok forget it”.  Choosing...