Thursday, April 17, 2008

Heart and Mind don't have gender

I am identified as a Software Engineer by profession and as a wife at home. But, the identity which is important to me is social as a human being. In my life's journey I am stopped by Priya, who has written in Ananda Vikatan about a section of people who struggle everyday to establish their identity as human beings - the trans gender people. A trans gender herself Priya expresses the social pressure these people face every day.

A man is proud of his masculine characteristics. When he loses them, he feels weaker. When he loses his biological identity it creates a confusion in himself. He is not able get along as usual with his friends and this shatters his confidence. His family in most cases stop showing concern and eventually, he loses security. I haven't heard about suicides in such situation but about fleeing to Mumbai in India, where he gets operated, becomes a woman and resort to prostitution.

He is the person who otherwise would have studied to gain the identity as a doctor, an engineer, a collector. Should the change in one's physiology which happens at nature's will, turn his life upside down? Should the change in one's biological identity shatter his path to gain a professional identity and most importantly his social identity as a human being?

I feel depressed for there are only a few who think about them and work for them. We have societies such as Blue cross to care for animals which cannot openly express its feelings. But we have none to raise voice for these human beings who cry out of pain which the society gives them.

Now, what is that should be done immediately to safe guard their self respect?
My answer is education on a regular stream and employment as per their aptitude and qualification - exactly like what is being done for a male or a female.

Dear souls - Heart and Mind don't have gender, hence love and knowledge. We should work on educational empowerment of trans gender people which will help them to be financially independent, secure their respect and the human identity.


சமரன் said...

dear inmo,
i am moved to read ur article. ur tasking work environment doesnt hinder ur free thought and social responsibility. i hope ur work has just begun and will b carried forward throuhout ur whole life. ur first work itself demonstrates ur skill of writing a persuasive article. let us hone our skills for the betterment of the utterly under previleged.

Unknown said...

Dear Subha,

The article about transgender is true and they find no place in society which they deserve it. They are even looked down for they are not at fault for the genetical and psychological changes and are different from Male and Female. They are also humans and equal importance should be given to them. They too have every right to live as we do and they should be treated as we are treated in the society. We with broad mind should accept that they also deserve to enjoy their rights.

Arun Rajendran said...

Now that's an article. Education is a need not only for Transgenders but also for us to accept them as what they are and respect them. Few organisations like INFOSEM are out there. But as you put it, Education and Employment should uplift them.

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